
Since the last in-person Designyatra in 2019, the world has spun on its head.

The pandemic prompted a re-evaluation of not just how we work, but the kind of work we’re creating as well. With massive shifts in nearly every aspect of life, it triggered the need for new design narratives to match the flux of life. We had to reimagine how we engage and communicate with everything from brands and business, to art, entertainment, and activism. Mindsets changed. And so did the tools available to us. It was time for a reset.

A reset.

It’s not just about starting over; it’s about reimagining, realigning, and redrafting some of the rules. It’s about rethinking conventions, challenging norms, and creating fresh narratives.
All to remain relevant.

At Designyatra 2023, you can get up close and personal with renowned designers to learn how they harness the power of reset to transform their practice.

Join us this October as we dive into the dynamics of change, embrace uncertainty, and harness the potential of going back to the drawing board.

After all, if there’s a solitary realm on this spinning orb where ‘Pre-loved’ and ‘Recycling’ are an absolute no-no, it’s a design studio.

So, let’s start your journey to Designyatra 23.

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