Ayaz Basrai At Kyoorius Designyatra 2019

Ayaz Basrai is Co-founder at The Busride Design Studio, a leading architecture and interior design firm in India. Ayaz graduated in Industrial Design, specialising in Product Design from the National Institute of Design, Ahmedabad in 2003. In 2006, he set up The Busride with his architect brother Zameer, as an independent design studio specialising in the design and creation of built environments, ranging from hospitality and entertainment, to film and production environments, exhibitions, installations, institutional and architectural environments.The Busride is a team of architects, interior and industrial designers, who look for solutions from the macro to the micro, from the slightly mad to the totally insane. More recently, Ayaz heads the studio’s research arm, The Busride Lab based in Goa, which works with Heritage Conservation and Futures Research, at the intersection of Technology, Design and Art.

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