Kaja Solgaard Dahl

Stone Sculptures & Product Design, Atelier Kaja Dahl

Atelier Kaja Dahl collaborates with companies on creating products and concepts based on the meeting of craft and design, sculpture and production. Kaja Dahl specializes in sensory and fragrance design.

The atelier was established by Kaja Solgaard Dahl in 2016. Kaja has a masters degree in Design for Luxury and craftsmanship from ECAL graduating in 2015. Her bachelor in Product and Interior design was earned in Stockholm at Beckmans college of Design. Before moving to Sweden she studied two years of fine arts in Oslo, with a depth study in sculpture and installation. In addition, Kaja earned a bachelor in Marketing communication from the Norwegian Business School BI, specializing in business image and identity.

Kaja’s photo has been sourced from https://www.norskekunsthandverkere.no/kunstnerregister/kaja-solgaard-dahl


Website: http://www.atelierkajadahl.com
Instagram: @kaja_dahl

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