A type project explores ideas of body-positivity

Women’s bodies have been an obsession throughout history and across cultures. Texts, paintings, poetry, and art—all have been forever defining the desired body types of women. In recent years, the voices questioning these society-set-standards are becoming louder, and conversations around body-positivity have reached our homes and offices. One such conversation at Mumbai-based design studio, Thought Over Design turned into a project called Through Thick & Thin.

“Body Positivity has become a popular term and it’s something we’re told to inherently feel. It’s sort of a response to how women have been conditioned over so long basis what we see in media and films. However, we’ve noticed that even the most liberal of us (men and women) — don’t always feel so positive about our body or skin,” says founder, Anushka Sani.

Through Thick & Thin responds to the ideas and insecurities about women’s bodies as perpetuated by mainstream media. The project specifically wanted to include both women and men as part of the conversation as they felt most body positivity conversations are around women. Through Thick & Thin is also a typography project with body-related explorations in playful graphics of alphabets. “This project is really just a light hearted way to express the things we think of and feel. It’s not good or bad, it just is what it is,” says Sani.

B for Boobs



H for Hairy

Aaaaand who doesn’t #F for Fidget with their #Flab

T for Tattooed body


#X for the journey from #XXL to #whatevermakesmehappy

#I for #Ideal#BodyType

#Y for #Y is everything upside down these days?


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