Academy Of Play

Digital overload. Remote setups. Pressured productivity.

The realities of working in the creative industry are threatening the one collective talent that we need to be at its strongest: PLAY.

​This September, DesignYatra 2024 invites you to: 

The Academy of Play

A place where experts from around the world are meeting under one roof. 

Like any muscle, play needs practice. We’ll hear stories from the best players in the industry. And we’ll teach you and your classmates the tips, tricks, and methods needed to do it better. We’ll also be learning how to keep up when the world we’re playing in changes.​

Get ready to stretch your mind, go back to your early years, and exercise your brain for weirder, wilder ideas.

The impact of our work depends on the quality of our play.
Time to take it seriously.

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Meet The Professors Of Play

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